Exclusive distributor of MineCool components

Coxons Group is proud to be the exclusive distributor of MineCool components in the Australian service market. Quality is at the heart of what we value at Coxons Group, which means helping you access quality parts when you need your fleet to function.

MineCool is the quality alternative for aftermarket cooling components, offering market leading reliability, performance and value for replacement parts and components.

Created in 2014, MineCool is Australian owned and operated and their components have been adopted by multiple tier 1 miners throughout Australia. MineCool is famous for offering the best product availability and speed-to-market, with significant stock available from Coxons’ distribution centres.

With a comprehensive range of direct fit replacement parts to the original equipment specification standards, MineCool components are made in vetted OES factories to ensure the highest quality build.

Coxons Group enables urgent dispatch options of MineCool products to meet your operational requirements to help you reduce downtime of your fleet.

Learn more about the MineCool range here.

MineCool case studies are available here.
